39 research outputs found

    The application of regional-scale geochemical data in defining the extent of aeolian sediments : the Late Pleistocene loess and coversand deposits of East Anglia, UK

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    The ‘European Coversand Sheet’ is a discontinuous ‘sheet’ of aeolian (windblown) loess and coversand that extends through eastern and southern England, across the English Channel into northern France, Belgium and the Netherlands (Kasse, 1997; Antoine et al., 2003). Whilst some of the earlier aeolian sediments date from the Middle Pleistocene, most correspond to the Late Pleistocene Weichselian / Devensian and earliest Holocene stages. East Anglia contains considerable accumulations of aeolian sediment. Although several valuable studies have attempted to determine the spatial extent of aeolian material (e.g. Catt, 1977, 1985), defining their margins has proved largely difficult because aeolian material is highly susceptible to reworking and removal by various natural and anthropogenic agents. Within this study, we use regional‐scale geochemical data from soils to reconstruct the extent of aeolian sediments in East Anglia. A specific geochemical signature, defined by elevated concentrations of Hafnium (Hf) and Zirconium (Zr), is strongly characteristic of soils developed on aeolian deposits within the United States, China, Europe and New Zealand (Taylor et al., 1983). The data suggests that the approach is sufficiently sensitive to identify a residual aeolian component within soils even where deposits may be thin and unmappable by conventional methods, or if the material has been largely eroded

    Zur gegenseitigen Beeinflussung jesuitischer und sÀkularer (cartesischer) Philosophien

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    Emanzipation der Ratio. Descartes' Projekt der Naturalisierung von Wissen

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    Die Studie verfolgt, auf historischem sowie auf systematisch-analytischem Wege, die Lesart der Philosophie von Descartes als Projekt einer grundlegenden Theologie- und Transzendenzkritik. Neben dem Ausschluss alles ‚Theologischen‘ aus dem Feld rationaler Diskurse und seinem Verweis ins Feld des Fideismus, beinhaltet dies auch die Umdeutung des ‚Gottes‘-Begriffs, wie Descartes ihn verwendet, in einem Sinne, der von transzendenten, insbesondere aber von theistischen Implikationen zu reinigen ist

    Individuation als Negation : Wagners Anthropologie.

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    Mit den genuin philosophischen Begriffen von (negativ-disjunktiver) Individuation einerseits und IntentionalitĂ€t andererseits lĂ€sst sich in Wagners Anthropologie eine Doppelstruktur ausmachen, die ein durchgehendes Motiv dieses Werkes bildet und erst im Parsifal so etwas wie einer Lösung zugefĂŒhrt wird. Damit ergibt sich eine unifizierende, spezifische Gesamtthematik von Wagners Schaffen, vor deren Hintergrund sich seine Werke als Fallbeispiele des je selben existentiellen Grundkonflikts lesen lassen, der sich andere Thematiken unterordnen. Die „Erlösung“ im Parsifal geschieht so durch die Aufhebung einer anthropologischen Konstante, nĂ€mlich der „RelationalitĂ€t“ einer im Kern relational angelegten Anthropologie

    Using soil geochemistry to investigate gold and base metal distribution and dispersal in the glaciated north of Ireland

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    Soil geochemistry is routinely and effectively used for mineral prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain, notably in Canada and Finland. This study uses the Tellus and Tellus Border soil geochemical data to investigate possible glacial dispersal of gold and base metals in the Down–Longford terrane of Ireland. Results from multivariate statistical analysis of the data correlate well with known mineralisation and prove effective in identifying further areas of potentially high prospectivity. Dispersal of gold and base metals is identified, reflecting single and multiple ice flow directions over relatively short distances (≀20 km)

    Principal component analysis of the geochemistry of soil developed on till in Northern Ireland

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    This paper presents results from the first regional statistical analysis of soils developed on till in Northern Ireland, using the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland's Tellus geochemical database. Till geochemistry is largely determined by its parent bedrock and soils developed on tills are known to inherit this geochemical signature. Soil geochemistry from areas of till can therefore be used to establish sediment provenance which in turn provides information on palaeo ice flow directions and ice sheet history. In this study, we use Principal Component Analysis to establish geochemical groupings that can be related back to likely bedrock parent material for the tills in the region. The maps, presented here at 1:445,000 scale, show the results of the first regional investigation of soil geochemistry of part of the northern sector of the Irish Ice Sheet. The results indicate that the upper surface of the majority of tills in the study area have a close relationship to local bedrock with rapid geochemical changes observed at lithological boundaries. This suggests that tills in this sector of the Irish Ice Sheet are primarily local in origin, indicating rapid entrainment of bedrock and low rates of evacuation of debris to the ice margin

    GEMAS: colours of dry and moist agricultural soil samples of Europe

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    High resolution HDR colour images of all Ap samples from the GEMAS survey were acquired using a GeoTek Linescan camera. This data set will help to develop new methods for world-wide characterization and monitoring of agricultural soils which is essential for quantifying geologic and human impact on the critical zone environment

    GEMAS: CNS concentrations and C/N ratios in European agricultural soil

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    A reliable overview of measured concentrations of TC, TN and TS, TOC/TN ratios, and their regional distribution patterns in agricultural soil at the continental scale and based on measured data has been missing – despite much previous work on local and the European scales. Detection and mapping of natural (ambient) background element concentrations and variability in Europe was the focus of this work. While total C and S data had been presented in the GEMAS atlas already, this work delivers more precise (lower limit of determination) and fully quantitative data, and for the first time high-quality TN data

    GEMAS: unmixing magnetic properties of European agricultural soil

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    High resolution magnetic measurements provide new methods for world-wide characterization and monitoring of agricultural soil which is essential for quantifying geologic and human impact on the critical zone environment and consequences of climatic change, for planning economic and ecological land use, and for forensic applications. Hysteresis measurements of all Ap samples from the GEMAS survey yield a comprehensive overview of mineral magnetic properties in European agricultural soil on a continental scale